Reptilian Power

Intro is home of self-mastery, ancestral and ancient wisdom, esoteric knowledge, world of occultism and symbolism, interstellar intelligence and diplomacy, master the energy field and the wheel of consciousness as I am taught and guided by my own lineage of my soul hierarchy originates on the constellation of Draco. As dark as it is bold and fearless, as black as it is prestigious, highest class, power and authority. I present and represent the most prideful honorable respectful Alpha Draconis oldest reptilian race of the Draco constellation- Thuban “Head of the Serpent”. Symbolism speaking, without the darkness the light can't be born. The darkness absorbs everything to itself and out of it everything is given birth. Fold and unfolding of the universe and all creations.

Personal Blog

Alpha Draconis



This is a very controversial subject regarding the honorable Alpha Draconis ancient reptilian race from the constellation of Draco. There are many fabricated myths about them and the Draco empire. The misinformed, misguided information and fear-based propaganda ministry running against the honorable Alpha Draconis by irresponsible, immature so called spiritual guru, actor and speaker who knows absolutely nothing about the honorable Alpha Draconis. So who really is the Alpha Draconis and the lineage? why the misinformation, misunderstanding, discrimination and lack of respect toward this particular honorable respectful ancient reptilian race by many in the spiritual community.


First we need to go back to when everything began in this universe. There's a source of all things exist, it is a state of neutrality in its infinite bliss, it does not hold the concept of right and wrong so it does not judge. It only see everything as experiences that it learns to know itself better. This is when source split itself up into different groups of energy form and group of consciousness. From there, we have the angelic hierarchy whom the Alpha Draconis descended from.


When energy being descended or manifest in physical form, there is conflict of interest and conflict of creation because all group of consciousness have distinctive mind pattern. The idea and information propagated by the spiritual community who only seek love and light, 5D ascension and escaping the totally false and misguided. There are polarity and duality in all density worlds. The only place that do not have conflict of interest and creation is source itself. One can always choose to go back to source but the minute you decide to manifest in physical form in whatever dimension or density world you choose, you are going to face polarity and duality, there is no escaping route. That's how we all learn to be self responsible and perfecting self-mastery.


The Alpha Draconis is the most ancient reptilian race who descended in physical form and have gone through everything to rise to the top and is the first physical being manifested feminine and masculine as one self aspect in the same body.The lineage has achieved so many great things, quite the magnificent, prideful, honorable and respectful race. They master survival path, war tactics, very psychic in battle, very resilient and protective race. In space technology, they master interstellar space travel, wormhole and vortex, artificial intelligence oriented, energy and consciousness oriented. In architecture, they master small and large building of crafts on the planet and off planet and all kinds of weapon and defense system, large temple structures, dome structures, pyramid structures...and a lot more. They master genetic engineering, seeding civilizations, running and propagating the race, expansion of the race further out in the universe. Building ecosystem for sustaining life on and off planet. The Alpha Draconis legacy and heritage is greatly vast and here is only briefly speaking.


The human race in our current form inherited some portion of reptilian DNA, reptilian brain. And I also have a very deep energetic vibration link with the Alpha Draconis because my soul hierarchy originates with them. So I intend to represent them in the most transparent, prideful, honorable and respectful way I can possibly do. The reptilian civilization and society is a hierarchy power structure. There are different reptilian classes and each class represents different role and holds different title. Within each class, there are different ranks and it can be summed up as upper management, middle management and lower management. 


To be continued...


Author:  AM aka Reptilianpower


We don't manifest on earth so that we can escape from it. We want to learn to be self-responsible. More importantly, we want to learn to master the energy field and the wheel of consciousness.

Silent weapons of quiet war

The Power of Mental, Psychological, and Informational Warfare


In today's world, the battlefields aren't just in the physical realm. The most potent wars are fought silently, in the depths of our minds.


Mental Warfare


The manipulation of one's thoughts and emotions to destabilize or control. It's a chess game where the pieces are our perceptions and beliefs.


Psychological Warfare


Tactics designed to demoralize, confuse, or induce fear. This is war waged on the psyche, where victory means the surrender of the mind.


Informational Warfare 


The strategic use of information to deceive, sway public opinion, or hide truths. It's the silent reshaping of narratives, where every byte of data can be a weapon or a shield.


These forms of warfare are far more insidious than their physical counterparts. They are “silent weapons of quiet war”, invisible yet pervasive, penetrating every aspect of life. 


They don't announce their arrival with the roar of engines or the blast of explosions; instead, they seep into societies, altering reality from within.


The power of these silent battles lies in their ability to go unnoticed, unheard, and unseen, yet they can dismantle societies, economies, and individual lives with the subtlety of a whisper. Recognizing and understanding these invisible forces is the first step to defending against them.